Comment from: Nick [Visitor]
I've recently become addicted to Odwalla juice... I guess I need to buy a blender or something.
02/10/11 @ 23:02
Comment from: Ara [Visitor]
I wish i could say that we cut back on our (most specifically me)consumption of soda but we don't. I am a true soda junkie to the max and I think I've got Jarrod on that as well. I know it is not very healthy for either of us but I don't like much else.

Fortunately for us though, is I've become addicted to Orange Juice. Unfortunately for us, it has to be a certain brand of orange juice and its a little pricey. So am I cutting the cost of sodas by drinking more orange juice? I don't think so especially because my son is addicted to orange juice as well.
02/11/11 @ 00:30
Comment from: Tim [Visitor]

I am a huge fan of ice tea without sugar. I am trying to eliminate soda (again) from my diet, so tea is a fantastic alternative. Not to mention, dirt cheap.
02/11/11 @ 06:36
Comment from: spidermonkey [Member] Email
Not long ago, I started getting frozen juice. Orange juice, apple juice, whatever 100% juice concoctions looks good. It's relatively cheap (especially at Winco) and helps when I need something with flavor.

I enjoy tea myself, but I'm usually accused of having tea with my sugar.
02/11/11 @ 16:46
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